Convegenius: Educating rural geniuses
The pandemic has disrupted every Industry. Even though it is said that the infection does not discriminate while going for an attack, it affects the less guarded ones the most. Lets take an example of the education sector. All the students across the borders of the country have been forced to switch to the new online mode of education. It has resulted a surge in the valuations of Edtech startups. But the primary target audience of these startups reside in the urban Tier 1 cities with no viable solution for rural India.
ConveGenius has tied up with various state governments to ensuring that the rural students are not discriminated against in this equality based netizen world. The startup exists since 2014 and could add close to 60 lakh people to its userfold in last 6 years. It tweaked its strategy a bit that added 1.5 crore new users in less than a year. The key ingredient to this success story is WhatsApp. The team decided to use the existing WhatsApp coverage to further its mission. The quizzes, attendance, report everything can be conducted using a bot in the green app. It is also convenient for students and parents to use the app as they are already familiar with it- thanks to the benefits of networking effect.
Himachal Pradesh has been front runner in the implementation of these services and is seeing substantial improvements in the student learning progress owing to as simplistic solution as a WhatsApp bot. Low cost private schools, NGOs are few of the other players that the company is planning to explore further partnerships.
The app is not generating any money for the company and the money that they get is the upfront amount that they get on the signing of a contract. The team is looking for ways of monetizing it in a manner such that the brunt is not borne by the already victimized students in rural India.